Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A little bit of Kansas...

I didn't go out for long and it wasn't the most ideal weather (windy) but I wanted to experiment with a few nature shots. Next time I want to go somewhere where I can walk around longer and have more subjects to shoot but this was better than nothing and I got a few neat captures.

I took all of these not far from our house..

This is actually our hay lol

I took this picture on a last minute decesion,in fact I backed up when I saw them and snapped this picture from sitting inside my I love how they both are looking at me.

As well know this is what Kansas is known for,along with the corn in the background

I was driving down the road and got the nifty idea of shooting what was behind me from my review

Just a farm scene I captured on my drive

People own these neat is that?!

Love these little purple flowers..can you see the bee on the flower clear to the left?

Last but not least..a lone sunflower laying in the road!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You got some beautiful shots Terra! Good job!