Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm now a Blogger

I'm now a blogger!
I've joined the world of blogging..I see all these wonderful blogs full of life and pictures and little moments and decided it was time I made one too. I think it will be a wonderful way to capture those moments in all our lives that are easily forgotten or little things our kids did that we always vow to "write that down!" but never do. Now I just need to be held accountable for keeping this up to date!I recently got a new Nikon D80 camera along with the 50mm 1.8 lens and I'm loving it! Today was a cloudy,horrible day so it was perfect for staying in and taking a few snapshots of my 1yr old..I only had a second or two each time,that childn't can't sit still I swear!Anyway hopefully as my blog continues my pictures improve,I'm learning a little more everyday. I got a wonderful book on learning exposure too,thats been a godsend!ok off to navigate my blog and see what all neat things I can do with it!

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