While me and my friends were working on our MOPS project last week I got an idea (thanks to my friend!). We were making plates and she stamped her sons name and all the things he liked at his current age of 5. I thought "What a great idea,I should do something like that for Emma!". We all know we forget their little phases and quirks they have as they grow up. We think we'll remember but we don't. So I'm going to blog about Emmas Favorite things ,quirks and not-so-favorite things so it won't pass me by. Plus that way when I get around to scrapbooking her 1yr old pictures I can look back on this entry and write all these things down for safekeeping!
oh where do I start with this child? First off let me say what she has added to my life,our family and to my heart is something I can't even put into words. She is the happiest,headstrong and onriest little thing..
first off I'll do her favorites (at this very moment,tomorrow this last may change completely! lol)
Emmas favorites
1) Shoes! She loves to wear shoes around,even if she doesn't have clothes on,she wants her shoes on.
2) her jacket. I can't figure out if she just think it's fun or that she relates it to getting to go outside
3) scarves..she loves to drape scarves around her neck and walk around the house like she's the best thing since sliced bread,it's adorable and cracks me up even after all these months of her doing it.
4)DADDY..need I say anything more? He walks away or goes out of her sight and it's whining and tears. When I walk away? Eh who cares. She ADORES him. He's a great father though. So involved,plays with her and caters to her every whim. (which I'm convinced this is why she adores him..lol)
5) Tanner..when he's around her smiles are brighter and louder and lets just say her energy level goes up a notch or two. She showers him with hugs when he gets home from school and many times won't let anyone but him hold her after she wakes from her naps. He's such a great big brother though and does so many things with her!
6) puppies..they are her favorite! When she sees a dog wether on TV,in public or here at home she always has to go "woof!" and pat her chest to get them to come to her. It's the cutest thing,she doesn't act that way with any other animal but dogs.
7) books..that girl could read 100 books a day and still want to read more!
8)chocolate..imagine that,a female with a chocolate addiction!
9)swinging..her favorite activity to do outside and Tanner is so good about taking her out to swing in the evenings.
10) chase..it's her favorite game and tries to get us to chase her almost every single evening. She peeks around the corner of the chair ,wall,or table and gives us this look of "come and get me" and tries to walk/run and it's hilarious! We usually give in because we love to hear the giggles she lets out when we catch her!
11)french fries-- this girl has loved french fries since she started eating table food. If there is a fry around nothing else gets ate!
12) sleep..she is a spectacular (is there a piece of wood around I can knock on??) sleeper. She loves her naps and she likes her crib...how did I get so lucky??
13)binky-- it's her worst addiction. Doesn't care about a bottle,nor anything else but that darn binky. It's not going to be a fun time around here when I decide to take it away!
14) blankies-- She loves to rub blankies on her face and eyes when she goes to bed. She has to take one with her to bed nightly and I swear it's one of the reasons she sleeps so well,it's such a comfort to her!
15)stuffed animals and babies-- she loves to cuddle and kiss babies and any type of stuffed animal. She gives this "smack" sound when trying to kiss them. Even if we're in a store and she sees a baby in a picture she has to give the picture a kiss. She went down the diaper isle in Sams club yesterday giving each of the babies on the box a kiss :)
16)outside..she loves loves loves to go outside. Wethers it's just to wander around,play in rocks or swing she wants to be OUT!
17)music- She is a dancing machine! She sways back and forth and her new thing is to put her hands together and swing them back and forth. Wether we're in a store,restaurant or at home if she hears music,watch out,she's going to break out the moves! lol
18) Water..this child is a fish I swear! She loves bathtime,climbs in the shower with me on occasion and loved the pool this summer. She has no fear (not such a good thing) and could spend endless amounts of time playing in water no matter what form..mud puddle,faucet,bath,etc.
Ok for her not-so- favorite things..hmmm let me see what I can come up with!
1) orange foods like carrots,sweet potatoes,etc.
2)things in her hair (I'm working on that one though!)
3)daddy leaving or walking away from her
4) being restrained..she's a wild one!
5)having to come inside from playing outdoors
6) laying down to put on a diaper
7) sitting in the shopping cart
outside of that she's pretty agreeable and happy..we got lucky with this one,she's such a little joy to have around :)
One of these days I WILL post pictures again,I promise!! I feel so pathetic not having any uploaded. I took a few the other night but not sure how they turned out.